Michael Marshall

Michael Marshall – Project Director Co-founder of the Merseyside Skeptics Society and co-organiser of the QED skeptical conference, 'Marsh' was the project leader and figurehead of the 10:23 Campaign, aimed at raising public awareness of homeopathy - resulting in international coverage and worldwide skeptical involvement. With a background in marketing and communications, his skeptical activism has included testing psychic claims, trialling sports performance wristbands, interviewing proponents of alternative beliefs and exposing the influences of PR in journalism.

Author's posts

Expanding the Good Thinking Society team

New recruits Laura and Marsh

Since the launch of the Good Thinking Society in September 2012, we have offered some modest grants, established some small projects, and prepared to launch some bigger projects. In order to help us devise and deliver these projects, we’re delighted to welcome two new members to the Good Thinking Society team – Michael Marshall and …

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