The Good Thinking Society is a small charity, and we need your support to carry on the work we are doing. We aim to encourage curious minds, promote rational enquiry, challenge NHS homeopathy funding, spread critical thinking about those who claim to be psychic, investigate claims of miracle cancer cures and much, much more – but we rely on your donations to help us pursue our mission.
The Good Thinking Society is a small charity, and we need your support to carry on the work we are doing. We aim to encourage curious minds, promote rational enquiry, challenge NHS homeopathy funding, spread critical thinking about those who claim to be psychic, investigate claims of miracle cancer cures and much, much more – but we rely on your donations to help us pursue our mission.
All our donations are handled by JustGiving, and you can set up a monthly donation or make a one-off contribution in just a few clicks. Each donation helps keep our work going.
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Donations of £50 or over will earn a signed copy of any one of Simon Singh’s books – to claim your copy, simply make your donation of £50 or over and then let us know which book you’d like.
Gift Aid
If you enable Gift Aid on your donation then we will receive around 25p extra for every pound you donate. In order to Gift Aid your donation, you must:
- be resident in the UK (or Crown Servants or members of the Armed Forces serving overseas);
- have paid enough UK income tax and/or capital gains tax to cover the amount of tax we and other charities you have donated to this financial year will reclaim (please note that other taxes such as Council Tax and VAT do not qualify); and
- provide us with a gift aid declaration. By ticking the box below and supplying your address details through PayPal you are providing us with that declaration.