Michael Marshall – Project Director Co-founder of the Merseyside Skeptics Society and co-organiser of the QED skeptical conference, 'Marsh' was the project leader and figurehead of the 10:23 Campaign, aimed at raising public awareness of homeopathy - resulting in international coverage and worldwide skeptical involvement. With a background in marketing and communications, his skeptical activism has included testing psychic claims, trialling sports performance wristbands, interviewing proponents of alternative beliefs and exposing the influences of PR in journalism.
Author's posts
Oct 19 2016
Good Thinking’s NHS Homeopathy campaign wins an Ockham Award at QED 2016
At the QED skeptical conference last weekend, Good Thinking were delighted to be awarded an Ockham’s award for Best Skeptical Campaign/Event, for our work challenging the provision of homeopathy on the NHS. The awards, which are run by the Skeptic magazine, are designed to recognise the very best work taking place in the skeptical community, and …
Oct 04 2016
NHS Wirral CCG ends funding for homeopathy
The Good Thinking Society welcomed today’s decision by NHS Wirral CCG to decommission homeopathy and Iscador services. The decision comes after months of consultation which showed overwhelming support from the public for an end to funding. Last week, a report on the consultation concluded that 95% of respondents wanted to stop homeopathy funding immediately, with just 3.7% of respondents …
Oct 01 2016
Good Thinking Supporters October 2016 Newsletter
Sep 28 2016
Good Thinking welcomes NHS Wirral CCG report showing “overwhelming majority consensus” to end Homeopathy
Following a lengthy public consultation by NHS Wirral CCG on the funding of homeopathy and Iscador therapy, the CCG has published a full report highlighting “an overwhelming majority consensus from the consultation respondents to cease funding Homeopathy and Iscador treatments in Wirral, from NHS funds.” The report will be discussed at the CCG’s Governing Body meeting on …
Sep 20 2016
Charity Commission to review policy on alternative health charities after challenge by Good Thinking
Last week lawyers acting on behalf of the Good Thinking Society wrote to the Charity Commission to challenge the refusal to revoke the charitable status of organisations registered as charities which advocate homeopathy as a means of advancing health and saving lives, warning the Commission that a failure to address our concerns regarding the status …
Sep 16 2016
Good Thinking Society challenges the lawfulness of the Charity Commission’s position on homeopathy charities
In June, eleven health professionals wrote to the Charity Commission[1] [2] expressing their concern about charities registered with the Charity Commission whose goal is the promotion of ineffective medical treatments, including charities who provide homeopathy to AIDS patients in Botswana. The letter, which was co-signed by health experts and academics such as Professors Edzard Ernst, …
Aug 01 2016
Good Thinking Supporters August 2016 Newsletter
Jul 18 2016
Rationalism And Asians In Britain event
Our friends at the Asian Rationalist Society (Britain) and the South Asian Humanist Association are holding a public meeting on the subject of “Rationalism and Asians In Britain”, taking place in Birmingham on the 24th July, 2016. The ARSB are a highly active and successful group, representing communities of South Asian origin in cities around the UK. …
Jul 08 2016
Vets call for a ban on homeopathic remedies for animals
In an open letter delivered to the RCVS this morning, more than 1,000 vets have called for the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons to protect the welfare of animals by banning qualified vets from prescribing homeopathic remedies. The letter, written by Devon-based vet Danny Chambers, highlights the lack of evidence behind homeopathic treatments, explaining that …
Jun 14 2016
NHS Liverpool CCG ends funding for homeopathy
The Good Thinking Society welcomed today’s decision by NHS Liverpool CCG to decommission homeopathy services. The decision comes after months of public consultation which showed overwhelming support from Liverpool residents for an end to funding. The report on the consultation, which came about after Good Thinking’s legal challenge to the CCG in February 2015, concluded that 64% of Liverpool …