Michael Marshall

Michael Marshall – Project Director Co-founder of the Merseyside Skeptics Society and co-organiser of the QED skeptical conference, 'Marsh' was the project leader and figurehead of the 10:23 Campaign, aimed at raising public awareness of homeopathy - resulting in international coverage and worldwide skeptical involvement. With a background in marketing and communications, his skeptical activism has included testing psychic claims, trialling sports performance wristbands, interviewing proponents of alternative beliefs and exposing the influences of PR in journalism.

Author's posts

Good Thinking Supporters July 2015 Newsletter

Update on our campaign challenging NHS homeopathy; ABSW blog prize winner announced; and the launch of a new podcast series!

NHS Homeopathy Spending

In our campaigning against the funding of homeopathy on the NHS, we have highlighted that the total annual spend is ‘between £3m and £5m per year’. Some people may have a particular interest in how we came to this estimate – for those people, full details of our research and calculations are below. By way of …

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ABSW Best Science Blog Award Winner Announced

The Association of British Science Writers Awards took place last night, including the annual Good Thinking Society award for Best Science Blog. We would like to extend our congratulations to the 2015 winner: Kat Day for her blog The Chronicle Flask. Well done, Kat, for a very well-deserved win. These awards are not only a chance to …

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NHS Dorset CCG Ceases Funding For Homeopathy

Following the recent announcement from Bristol Homeopathic Hospital that it will cease offering homeopathic remedies, another NHS Clinical Commissioning Group has confirmed to us that they will no longer waste money on this disproven treatment. Dorset CCG – who spent £8,000 on homeopathy in 2013/14 and whose equivalent bodies spent £45,000 per year from 2006-2010 …

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2015 ESC Podcast: Episode #00

A sneak-peek at the official podcast of the 2015 European Skeptics Congress, taking place in London on 11-13 September, 2015. Hosted by Michael Marshall, each episode of the show will feature an interview with one of the speakers from the conference, taking a look at what led them to skepticism and what issues they really care …

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Sunday Times: “Codswallop detected in food allergy tests”

This weekend the Sunday Times ran coverage of some of our work investigating various alleged alternative food allergy and intolerance tests, including one test taking place in a Nutricentre store. Nutricentre are the health food chain owned by Tesco – regular followers of our work will recall that our investigation last year uncovered all manner of …

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Warning over ‘Miracle Mineral Solution’ conference in Farnham, Surrey

This weekend sees the latest in a series of alternative health events promoted by members of the Genesis II Church – the organisation set up by Jim Humble in order to promote his ‘Miracle Mineral Solution’ around the world. This latest event is due to take place in Farnham, Surrey, with precise details of the …

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Good Thinking Supports Sarah Wollaston for Chair of the Health Select Committee

We at the Good Thinking Society are firm believers in the value of an evidence-based approach, and in making decisions based on the best available information and taking on board the position of the most qualified experts available. In particular, where matters of health are concerned, we believe it is of fundamental importance that policy decisions …

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Bristol Homeopathic Hospital To Cease Offering Homeopathic Treatments

It has been two months since we announced our campaign to challenge the provision of homeopathy on the NHS, starting initially with NHS Liverpool CCG. So far the campaign has received positive coverage in the Telegraph, the Liverpool Echo, the BMJ, Pulse magazine, On Medica and more. Obviously blogs and tweets from homeopaths have been …

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Good Thinking Investigates: Homeopathic Pharmacies

Freemans homeopathic pharmacy in Glasgow stocks over 3,400 remedies… including Homeopathic ‘Horned Owl’. We decided to find out what homeopathic owl should be used for… Other homeopathic remedies on sale include Asbestos, E. Coli, Uranium and a range of vaccines. Freeman’s currently provide homeopathic treatments to NHS Bristol and NHS Glasgow, costing tens of thousands …

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