Good Thinking Supporters February 2016 Newsletter

February 2016 Newsletter: Tell NHS Wirral what you think about homeopathy; ask your vet to speak out against using homeopathy for animals; broadcasters uphold our Peter Popoff complaint.

Liverpool doctors offer support for our homeopathy campaign


Last year we began a successful challenge to NHS Liverpool CCG’s decision to continue funding homeopathy in spite of the conclusions own consultations, which strongly advised an end to the service. The re-consultation is currently drawing to a close, and we expect to hear more in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, we contacted a number of …

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Greater Manchester Skeptics Society and Richard Dawkins Foundation donate £1,000 to Good Thinking

As a registered charity, we massively appreciate the support of the skeptical community and the donations we receive from individuals and organisations who want us to continue our work. With this in mind, we would like to thank the Greater Manchester Skeptics Society (GMSS) and Richard Dawkins Foundation (RDF) for their generous and hugely-appreciated donation …

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Princess Alexandra Hospital withdraws Reiki and Spiritual Healer role

In early October, Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust posted a job advertisement for a part-time reiki and spiritual healer. The post would have involved working within the Breast Cancer Unit at St Margaret’s Hospital, Epping, and the salary for the position was to be funded via charity rather than by NHS resources. The advertisement quickly …

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Good Thinking Supporters December 2015 Newsletter

Our campaign to blacklist homeopathy, and a call to action in challenging NHS homeopathy. Over the last eighteen months, our NHS homeopathy campaign has sought to identify and challenge NHS spending on homeopathic remedies. With limited resources available to the NHS, we feel it’s crucially important that patients have access to the best treatments, which …

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Good Thinking Society welcomes Department of Health consultation on ‘Blacklisting’ homeopathic treatments


Simon Singh and the Good Thinking Society have today welcomed the decision of the Department of Health to consult on adding homeopathic remedies to the NHS ‘Blacklist’. Following a proposed judicial review by the Good Thinking Society(1), the Department of Health have announced a consultation to consider including homeopathic products in Schedule 1 to the …

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Help us identify NHS homeopathy spending in London

During the initial phases of our NHS homeopathy campaign, we reported on our investigation into where in the country homeopathy is available on the NHS. Our aim was to identify which regions had the highest  homeopathy spending so as to provide a focus for the first steps of our campaign, but our figures also revealed …

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Good Thinking Supporters November 2015 Newsletter

November 2015 Newsletter: Our report on NHS homeopathy around the UK published in The Independent, plus an update on our Harley Street complaints

Cipher machine auction raises £2,000 for Good Thinking and All Trials

During October, Good Thinking’s founder Simon Singh auctioned his original WWII M209 cipher machine, with proceeds shared between Good Thinking and Sense About Science’s All Trials campaign. The winning bid came from Steve Roberts, a retired cryptographer from Melbourne Australia. Steve’s winning bid was £2,000 – which means a £1,000 donation to fund our future work, …

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NHS Homeopathy spending around the UK

On Friday, the Scotsman included a feature on the Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital – the NHS-funded homeopathy clinic based at Glasgow’s Gartnavel Hospital. The newspaper highlighted that the 8,111 patients treated by the facility in 2014-15 represents a slight drop from the 8366 treated in 2013-14. This builds on a report in September in the same …

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