I firmly believe in the importance of skeptics attending a psychic show, in order to see firsthand how the biggest touring psychics in the country claim to put audience members in touch with the spirits of their dearly departed – for entertainment purposes only, naturally. In seeing such shows up close and witnessing their effect …
Dec 16 2014
Trading Standards instruct Oasis of Hope UK to remove cancer claims from website
A week ago, Oasis of Hope UK was instructed to remove claims from its website following our complaint to Nottingham Trading Standards under the Cancer Act (1939). All content was removed from the website yesterday. Oasis of Hope is a controversial cancer clinic in Tijuana, Mexico, which offers a range of unproven treatments for advanced …
Dec 12 2014
Donate to support Good Thinking’s work
The Good Thinking Society is a small charity, and we need your support to carry on the work we are doing. We aim to encourage curious minds, promote rational enquiry, challenge NHS homeopathy funding, spread critical thinking about those who claim to be psychic, investigate claims of miracle cancer cures and much, much more – …
Nov 21 2014
Tesco embraces NutriCentre and peddles quackery
The controversial magazine What Doctors Don’t Tell You is now back in Tesco despite warnings from doctors that it is dangerously misleading. This, however, is not the only link between Tesco and quackery: the supermarket giant now seems happy to be associated with the harmful products and bad advice offered by NutriCentre. Located on the …
Nov 18 2014
‘Cancer – There is Hope’ seminars reported to Trading Standards
Trading Standards officers have contacted venues in Manchester and Milton Keynes warning them against possible breaches of the Cancer Act (1939). Dr Francisco Contreras of the Oasis of Hope clinic in Mexico is to discuss his “innovative integrative programme” in London, Milton Keynes and Manchester. After hearing of the planned seminars, I wrote to Trading …
Oct 31 2014
Psychic Awareness Month draws to a successful close
Halloween marks the end of Psychic Awareness Month for the Good Thinking Society, arranged as a show of support for Mark Tilbrook. Since our project began at the start of October, we have helped organise the quiet, polite leafleting of 27 shows throughout the month – including 12 shows from Sally Morgan, 10 shows from Colin Fry, …
Oct 16 2014
The Martin Gardner Centenary
Martin Gardner was a leading rationalist and the twentieth century’s greatest recreational mathematician. After his death in 2010, his fans established an annual Celebration of the Mind to take place on his birthday, 21 October. Each year, people hold events all over the world to remind us of his great legacy. This year, to mark …
Oct 14 2014
Letter on behalf of Mark Tilbrook to Sally Morgan
Today, 14 October 2014, Robert Dougans and Serena Cooke of Bryan Cave wrote a letter on behalf of Mark Tilbrook to Sally Morgan’s solicitor Graham Atkins. In a spirit of openness, the text of that letter is below: Dear Sirs, Your client: Sally Morgan We have been instructed by Mr Mark Tilbrook and we understand …
Aug 20 2014
Faith school whistleblower to speak ahead of Dover ‘ACE’ school expansion
Good Thinking are pleased to be helping former fundamentalist Christian Jonny Scaramanga in his upcoming appearance in Dover, ahead of the expansion of the Dover School For All Nations (DSFAN). The school teaches the much-criticised Accelerated Christian Education curriculum – a program which actively promotes pseudoscientific and anti-scientific ideas, and which places the Bible at the …